Friday, June 1, 2012

Mountain Monster Retail Up and Running

We really had to turn on the afterburners, but the retail side of Mountain Monster is now open! You will notice our nifty sign just around the corner from the Moutaintop Mercantile. Stop by...the door is open.

We have custom "Cloudcroft" designs that we screen print on the premises. We specialize in American Apparel, which is made in the USA. Check out its soft feel and high quality!

We also have a large selection of Mara stoneware. I have loved and collected Mara for many years, so it was only natural that I carry it in the shop.

We also carry a unique line of bandanas for the outdoors folks. One is printed with knots (and the instructions on how to tie them), another has camping safety information, and yet another has a glow-in-the-dark star chart. But the best is yet to come! We are developing a map of the Sacramento Ranger District, complete with trails, roads and facilities, screen printed on a bandana. I'll post just as soon as they are available.

All of the fixtures in the store were handmade by either my husband or me...including the awesome signs in the front yard. At the very least, you'll want to check out our rough sawn display racks, custom mesquite table, and handmade wainscoting.

We strive to be unique in every aspect of what we do...from our t-shirt designs to our decor. It's all art to us. We hope you'll stop by for a visit.